Admitiré que estaba nervioso por ver este show por un par de razones. La primera, porque era la oportunidad de ver a dos grandes bandas en el mismo cartel; la segunda por tener la posibilidad de estar en el Starland Ballroom una vez mas. Añadamos el estar con buenos amigos y… ¿cómo podÃa salir mal?
LA GUNS salieron al escenario con un set compuesto por sus mejores temas. Phil Lewis estaban en muy buena forma y el veterano Steve Riley estuvo tan coherente como siempre en la baterÃa. No quedan más miembros originales en la banda, y en cambio, podemos encontrar a Stacey Blaze de ROXX GANG y a Adam Hamilton. Phil también tonteó con la guitarra un rato. Se notaba claramente que se lo estaba pasando bien, invitando a la gente de New York /New Jersey a gritar continuamente “fuck yeahâ€. Hizo hincapié en lo genial que era estar de gira y ver el recibimiento de la gente. El set fue muy corto, si me hacéis esa pregunta. Aunque me gustan los solos de baterÃa, creo que Steve no deberÃa haber hecho uno y deberÃan haber tocado mas temas. Espero verles con un set mas largo en el futuro.
El set que interpretaron estuvo compuesto por “Show No Mercyâ€, “Sex Actionâ€, “Never Enoughâ€, “I Wanna Be Your Manâ€, “Let’s Start a Revolutionâ€, “Rock N’ Roll Outlawâ€, “Moby Dick†con solo de baterÃa y algun fragmento de “Whole Lotta Love†de LED ZEPPELIN, “Electric Gypsy†y “Ballad Of Jayne†fundido con “Rip And Tearâ€.
DOKKEN no tardaron en salir y fueron tan sabios como siempre. Don sonó todo lo bien que esperaba de él. Wild Mick Brown golpeó su baterÃa como nunca, pero aparentemente estaba enfermo, asà que tengámoslo en cuenta. Al bajo estaba Barry Sparks y en la guitarra John Levin (de WARLOCK). Honestamente, su trabajo con la guitarra fue el punto álgido de la noche para mÃ. Estaba justo en frente suyo intentando coger una pua de guitarra. De hecho, el mismo dejaba que el público las cogiera directamente de su guitarra pero cuando pude acercarme ya se habÃa quedado sin. No siempre se puede ganar, verdad? Siempre he amado el estilo de George Lynch en los temas originales pero tengo que admitir que John Levin lo hizo genial y no aparté la vista de él ni un minuto. Lo siento, George. Me habrÃa gustado escuchar un solo de guitarra entero por su parte, pero no pudo ser esa noche.
Wild Mick fue el comediante habitual desde los tambores, mientras bromeaba con Don acerca de su larga historia juntos y demás estupideces. Mientras que el set estaba cargado de clásico, creo que uno o dos de ellos fueron alargados innecesariamente. Una de ellas fue “Too High To Flyâ€, y no parecÃa tener fin, asà que note como mi interés disminuÃa poco a poco cuando pasó de los cinco minutos. Don explicaba una historia que no pude entender del todo a lo largo del tema que lo hizo durar eternamente. Mas allá de eso, no tengo ninguna crÃtica para el show, ya que tocaron casi todos mis temas favoritos. No te los pierdas cuando toquen cerca porque todavÃa rockean.
El set interpretado incluyó “Kiss Of Deathâ€, “Hunterâ€, “Into The Fireâ€, “Prozac Nationâ€, “Breaking The Chainsâ€, “Just Got Luckyâ€, “Alone Againâ€, “Heaven Comes Downâ€, “Too High To Flyâ€, “It’s Not Loveâ€, “Tooth And Nail†e “In My Dreamsâ€.
No pude tomar fotos debido a que fue imposible conseguir un photopass o acceso de prensa, pero el concierto no era demasiado caro y no quise perdermelo. No me supo mal pagar.
Texto: Ken Pierce
Fotos y traducción: Sergi Ramos
I admit I was excited about this show for a couple of reasons. The first was the chance to see two great bands on the same bill; the second was the chance to be at Starland Ballroom once again. Combined with attending with some good buds, how could one go wrong with all these factors?
LA Guns hit the stage with a great set of some of their best numbers. Phil was in great vocal form and Guns Vet Steve Riley was as smooth as ever on the drums. No other originals remain and the band is instead joined by Roxx Gang’s Stacey Blaze and Adam Hamilton. Phil also took some time on the guitar. Phil was clearly enjoying himself as he kept prompting the NY/NJ audience to yell "fuck yeah". He stressed how great it was to be on tour and to see everyone’s warm reception. Their set was too short if you ask me. While I enjoy drum solos, I feel Steve should not have done one and instead performed a few more tunes. I look forward to seeing a longer set from them in the future.
The L.A. Guns set went much like this: 1. Show No Mercy, 2. Sex Action, 3. Never Enough, 4. I Wanna Be Your Man, 5. Let’s Start A Revolution, 6. Rock & Roll Outlaw, 7. Moby Dick jam with drum solo, Whole Lotta Love piece, 8. Electric Gypsy, 9. Ballad Of Jayne into Rip And Tear.
Dokken soon came on and were as skilled as ever. Don sounding as good as I had expected him to. Wild Mick Brown pounding away on the drums, but he was apparently very ill so I give him credit. On bass was Barry Sparks, and on guitar John Levin (formerly of Warlock). Honestly, his guitar work made this the highlight for me. I was standing right in front of him trying to get a guitar pick. He was actually letting the audience pluck them from his guitar, but by the time I got that close he had run out. Oh well, can’t win em all right? I loved the playing by George Lynch on these original tunes, but I have to give John Levin credit for I did not miss him for a minute. Sorry George. I will say that John had all the licks and solos down, I would have enjoyed a full guitar solo from him but there would not be one this evening.
Wild Mick was a regular comedian back from behind the drums as he joked on and off with Don about their long history together and other random silliness.
While the set was full of the classics you would expect, I did feel one or two of them dragged on unnecessarily. One such tune was "Too High To Fly", it was endless and I felt myself drifting away in interest when it passed the five minute mark. Don was telling this story that I could not make out too clearly which made this feel like it was forever. Other than that I have no criticisms of the show, as they played almost every one of my favorite tunes. Try to check them out when they come around as they still rock.
I had no pictures from this, as I was not issued a photo pass or press access, the event was not all that expensive so I decided to not miss the chance to check it out. I was glad I did.
Dokken’s Set: 1. Kiss Of Death, 2. Hunter, 3. Into The Fire, 4. new track not sure of the name, 5. Breaking The Chains , 6. Just Got Lucky, 7. Alone Again, 8. Heaven Comes Down, 9. Too High To Fly, 10. It’s Not Love, 11. Tooth And Nail, 12. In My Dreams.
Dokken Website: www.dokken.net
Text: Ken Pierce
Pics: Sergi Ramos
Datos: Starland Ballroom
New Jersey
Promotor: Starland Ballroom
Publico: Lleno
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