Gary Moore: Live At The Monsters Of Rock
He disfrutado de la música de GARY MOORE durante varios años,
pero estando en Estados Unidos raramente se le ve por aquí. Dado que ese es
el caso, me alegró ver la edición de un DVD filmado en el “Monsters Of Rock”
de este año. Este DVD fue filmado como parte de la gira que Gary realizó para
su disco “Scars”. Junto a él en la banda está Cass Lewis en el bajo y Darrin
Mooney en la batería. A los fans les podrá interesar el hecho de que Gary Moore
se ha acercado a sus raices rockeras de nuevo. Se tomó algún tiempo para ser
un bluesman (y lo hizo bastante bien) pero todavía disfruto viendolo patear
unos cuantos culos con sus cuerdas. No ha perdido ni un ápice de sus conocimientos
en este medio.
Este DVD es basicamente un concierto en directo, de principio
a fin. El unico material adicional son varios minutos de prueba de sonido y
alguna entrevista ene l backstage. Estas dos partes sirven como “Extras” del
DVD, siendo este aspecto algo pobre. Dado el tamaño del fondo de catálogo de
Gary Moore, Sanctuary debería haber incluído algo de material inédito de los
otros “Monsters of Rock”. Gary Moore ha sido un artista constante en estos festivales,
y el material ha de existir y los fans lo quieren ver.
El DVD se pasa rapido. Y no es solo porque dure 63 minutos,
sino porque las canciones fluyen con bastante facilidad. Se había acabado antes
de que me hubiera dado cuenta, así que lo volví a poner para escuchar los temas.
Me imagino que es tan corto porque Gary era el telonero en esta gira con WHITESNAKE.
63 minutos vendría a ser el tiempo normal en escena para una banda telonera
. Los temas que aparecen son los que véis listados, pero me sorprendió que no
estuvieran dos de mis favoritas(“Always Gonna Love You” y “Victims Of The Future”).
Los temas que contiene el DVD son “Shapes Of Things To Come”,
“Wishing Well”, “Rectify”, “Guitar Intro”, “Stand Up”, “Just Can’t Let You Go”,
“Walking By Myself”, “Don’t Believe A Word”, “Out In the Fields” y “Parisienne
Aunque mantengo mis criticas mencionadas, disfruté bastante
de este DVD. De hecho, creo que todos los fans deberían conseguirlo ya que és
como estar en el show. No dejéis de visitar la web oficial de Gary Moore para
obtener información de lo que hace y edita.
Su web oficial: http://www.gary-moore.com
Texto: Ken Pierce(ken@themetalcircus.com)
Trad.:Sergi Ramos
I have enjoyed the music of Gary Moore for several years, but being in the
States he seldom makes his way over here. Since this was the case, I was glad
to see the release of a DVD filmed at this years “Monsters Of Rock” tour. This
piece was filmed as part of Gary touring for his “Scars” album. Joining him
in the band is Cass Lewis on bass, and Darrin Mahoney on drums. Fans might
be interested in the fact that Gary seems to have stepped back into his roots
of Rock once again. He took some time off and became a blues man (and while
it was done quite well), I still like to see him kicking some serious ass on
the strings. He has not lost any of his skill at this medium.
This DVD is essentially a straight ahead concert from beginning to end. The
only additional footage is several minutes of sound-check and some backstage
interview footage. These two portions serve as the Bonus Features, making that
aspect somewhat lacking. Given the scope of Gary Moore’s back catalog, Sanctuary
should have included a couple of videos, or perhaps even some vintage footage
from other “Monsters Of Rock” festivals. Gary Moore has been a steady performer
at this festival, so the footage has to be out there and this is what fans will
want to see.
The DVD moves quite quickly also. I found this not only because of its 63
minute length but because the songs flow so smoothly. It was over before I
knew it, so I let it run again to just listen to the songs. I am guessing the
shortness of its length was because Gary was on the opening spot during this
tour for Whitesnake. 63 minutes seems like a normal running time for a pre-headliner
goes onstage. The songs are listed below for the reader, I was surprised to
see two of my favorites excluded (“I’m Always Gonna Love You”, and “Victims
Of The Future”.
Song Listing:
Shapes Of Things To Come, Wishing Well, Rectify,
Guitar Intro, Stand Up, Just Can’t Let You Go, Walking By Myself, Don’t Believe
A Word, Out In The Fields, Parisienne Walkways.
While I have the aforementioned criticisms I did enjoy this DVD quite a bit.
As a matter of fact, I say all fans should go out and grab this since it is
like being at the show. Be sure to look at Gary Moore’s Official Website for
more details on what he is up to and what is being released.
Gary Moore Official Homepage: http://www.gary-moore.com/
Ken Pierce (ken@themetalcircus.com)
Grupo:Gary Moore
Discográfica:Sanctuary Visual Entertainment
- Shapes of Things
- Wishing Well
- Rectify
- Guitar Intro
- Stand Up
- Just Can't Let You Go
- Walking By Myself
- Don't Believe a Word
- Out In The Fields
- Parissienne Walkways
Votación de los lectores:4
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